Sunday, December 28, 2008

An Important Correction

I wish to acknowledge a mistake on my blog, as brought to my attention by Brian in this email

I was reviewing your blog and noticed that Brooke will be baptized in May - of 2010!!! She is only six right now and in the LDS church we baptize our children when they turn 8.

So I made a mistake, what can I say, I am OLD and forgetful . . . OK I have admitted it.  I suggest you remember this date, Brian.  I may never admit it again.

Merry Christmas, a few days late

We had a great Christmas in Okinawa!  Opened lots of fun presents and generally relaxed.  While waiting for dinner we walked to the park and played.  

Years ago when I was little I used to roll down the hill in my Grandma & Grandpa Morgan's front yard.  It was a perfect place for rolling.  Well, I decided to teach Calvin how to do it.  Not that it is hard, but he probably had never seen it done before.  Thankfully, there are no pictures to included!   I was sooo dizzy when I got to the bottom it took me a few minutes to be able to sit up.  And Calvin decided not to try it!

Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas.  We tried talking to Emily for a bit on Christmas Day but when she was playing her DS (whatever that is) and listening to her MP3 player in one ear, we decided that she was "way too busy" to talk.  

Steve said the baby "got a haul" on Christmas and was thrilled with the Atlanta Braves outfit for the baby that his aunt and uncle got him.  In case you didn't know, that is his favorite team.

I fly back to Las Vegas on New Years Day and arrive there on New Years Day thanks to crossing the international date line.  

Scott is getting into this "favorite son-in-law" contest and is working on points, so just a warning to Matt and Steve.

I miss you all!!!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Almost Christmas

Well tomorrow is Christmas Eve in Okinawa.  I have been here for two weeks tomorrow.  I am amazed how beautiful it is and appreciate this time that I have with Joy, Scott and the boys.  The boys are so cute and really growing up too fast. 

Sunday we celebrated Bills birthday in the way we always do with Razzleberry pie from Marie Calendars (they had one at the commissary!).  Calvin sang Happy Birthday to his Grandpa with much gusto.  Like Troy used to before Brian convinced him I was crazy to sing Happy Birthday to Grandpa.  The next day when Calvin found the picture of Joy and Dad that she put on the table for the party, he picked it up and said, "Let's get this off the table, it is not his birthday anymore!"  Had to laugh.

This next year will be exciting.  Baby Orme due March 14, Baby Addington boy due April 22, and Baby Zobrist due May 30th.  Troy turns 12 and received the priesthood in January,  Brooke is baptized in May and Tina graduates High School in June.  

I will try to at least update this blog with pictures once a month.  I can dream, can't I Steve?