Friday, September 7, 2007

An update on Great Grandma & Great Grandpa

Last week I spent several days getting their room at the Santa Anita Retirement Center all fixed up. We moved in their bed, entertainment center and a dresser. If you have been there you will wonder how we got it all in but we did. I forgot to take pictures but the room is very homey and looks entirely different. Very lovely if I do say so myself. Russ is good at arranging furniture so that really helped. I will take pictures in October and post them for you all to admire our work.

Great Grandma is happy there and meeting lots of people. According to her she goes to Current Events and an Exercise class every day. She goes to a couple of movies each week unless they are off visiting Kaiser Emergency Room. She feels it is her "mission" to make sure that all the little old ladies there feel loved and she does a great job of it!

We bought all new hangers and managed to fit all their clothes in the one closet. We sent to Good Will 4 bags of extra clothing and trashed a whole bunch of stuff. Russ and I decided to box up some stuff that we didn't know if some of you all might like to have. Anyone want a Christmas clock that plays Christmas carols every hour? Two are available and they are even wrapped in Christmas paper!

Great Grandpa is still having trouble with his leg swelling but he won't keep it up and that is the only way it will get better.

Just for you all to know WHEN YOU PUT ME IN A RETIREMENT HOME I need a computer with high speed Internet access. This is not negotiable! Cari said she has already figured that out!

All in all I accomplished a lot but it was also very hard work. I was able to help move stuff and carry a lot of things back and forth to the car. How grateful I am for the new knees and the strength I am getting from all this exercise. I think Dad must laugh in heaven when he sees me eat my tuna and work out at the clubhouse and SWEAT. I saw my internist this week and my blood pressure was 121/60. She was impressed and says my heart is in better shape than hers! My cardologist is extremely happy with my progess too. Looks like living to be 100 to see all my grandsons serve missions, marry in the temple and see my granddaughters marry in the temple is a strong possibility. I will be 79 when Oliver and AJ start their missions!

Anyway it does seem strange to be cleaning out the house and getting it ready to sell. Not sad just really strange. I hope my folks don't go over there for awhile the family room echos it is so empty.


joyful704 said...

i am sure dad is laughing in heaven, but you a least season your tuna , right!

joyful704 said...

i can see who your fav grankids are, the only ones w/ photos!! the wilson boyz