Tuesday, September 11, 2007

My Day of Remembering

I finally posted some pictures and am unveiling Grandma Bubbles Blog to those I love the most, my family.

No nasty comments on how busy you are and don't have time to read, please. At least look at the cute pictures.

There is a poll at the bottom of the page, you might want to enter your feelings about my blog.

I have been most blessed with a wonderful family and I am grateful for each of you, each day of my life. Yesterday someone asked me if I was married because they noticed my wedding ring. We had a discussion about Dad's death and it was a hard remembering the shock and sorrow that we felt when he died.

I still miss Dad everyday but I smile more often about pleasant memories and thoughts of how he must love seeing each of you with your families. Each one of you, children, spouses and grand kids reflect some of his characteristics and the best parts of the man he was.

It has been 6 years and almost 6 months since his death, but I still feel his love for me and each of you. As I sat in church this last Sunday surrounded by little boys I knew that Dad knew my grandsons and granddaughters bring incredible joy into my life.

I am grateful that we will have two days in October to be all together. It has been almost 2 and 1/2 years since we have had that chance. It will be a huge highlight of a year already filled with amazing experiences.

I love each of you with all my heart.

Friday, September 7, 2007

An update on Great Grandma & Great Grandpa

Last week I spent several days getting their room at the Santa Anita Retirement Center all fixed up. We moved in their bed, entertainment center and a dresser. If you have been there you will wonder how we got it all in but we did. I forgot to take pictures but the room is very homey and looks entirely different. Very lovely if I do say so myself. Russ is good at arranging furniture so that really helped. I will take pictures in October and post them for you all to admire our work.

Great Grandma is happy there and meeting lots of people. According to her she goes to Current Events and an Exercise class every day. She goes to a couple of movies each week unless they are off visiting Kaiser Emergency Room. She feels it is her "mission" to make sure that all the little old ladies there feel loved and she does a great job of it!

We bought all new hangers and managed to fit all their clothes in the one closet. We sent to Good Will 4 bags of extra clothing and trashed a whole bunch of stuff. Russ and I decided to box up some stuff that we didn't know if some of you all might like to have. Anyone want a Christmas clock that plays Christmas carols every hour? Two are available and they are even wrapped in Christmas paper!

Great Grandpa is still having trouble with his leg swelling but he won't keep it up and that is the only way it will get better.

Just for you all to know WHEN YOU PUT ME IN A RETIREMENT HOME I need a computer with high speed Internet access. This is not negotiable! Cari said she has already figured that out!

All in all I accomplished a lot but it was also very hard work. I was able to help move stuff and carry a lot of things back and forth to the car. How grateful I am for the new knees and the strength I am getting from all this exercise. I think Dad must laugh in heaven when he sees me eat my tuna and work out at the clubhouse and SWEAT. I saw my internist this week and my blood pressure was 121/60. She was impressed and says my heart is in better shape than hers! My cardologist is extremely happy with my progess too. Looks like living to be 100 to see all my grandsons serve missions, marry in the temple and see my granddaughters marry in the temple is a strong possibility. I will be 79 when Oliver and AJ start their missions!

Anyway it does seem strange to be cleaning out the house and getting it ready to sell. Not sad just really strange. I hope my folks don't go over there for awhile the family room echos it is so empty.

Monday, September 3, 2007

Labor Day 2007

Hi All,

Since everyone thinks I spend all my time on the computer anyway . . . I will prove you all right and bore you with details of my life and bragging about my grand kids!

This has been a great summer to be with my grand kids!

On June 12 Oliver Wayne Wilson was born and like the good grandson that he is he waited for me to arrive in Virginia before making his early arrival. In fact I had been on the ground only about one hour when Scott called to say that Joy's water had broken and they were off to the hospital. Poor Calvin woke up the next morning calling for Mommy and Grandma Bubbles walks in instead. Kind of a shock, but he handled it like a trouper and despite what Joy and Scott may say, we did a great job together considering that I didn't know his schedule and what he liked to do. His parents even made fun of the way I dressed him.

We drove to Wal-mart in Fredricksburg and got stuck in an awful storm but we had a great time. He likes cinnamon bug cookies, in fact in loves any cookies. We visited Mom, Dad and baby Oliver but it was nice when they all came home from the hospital. Calvin did great with the new baby. It was fun to go swimming, feeding the ducks and for walks.

In August Morgan was baptized and it was a wonderful day. She was baptized at the Fairfield Stake Center in the same font as all her older brothers and sister and the same place that all my children were baptized. What a memories that event brought to mind. Brian gave her a beautiful blessing, Dad was proud I'm sure. I gave the talk on Baptism and Cody & Tina both gave the prayers. Morgan was beautiful in her white dress as she walked into the waters of baptism. I know Grandpa was there, he loves her so much.

The next day Brian bore his testimony in Fast Meeting and I was deeply touched by his expressions of love to his family. He however forgot to mention how much he loved his wonderful, widowed mother. Imagine that!

Had a good week with the Addington kids the week before the baptism, but Cody was away at Scout camp. We missed him but he came home on the Saturday of Morgan's baptism. He is so kind to let me use his bedroom and bed whenever I am there. He does a great job with his deacon duties. He was ordained to the priesthood in March and started Jr. High this year. It is hard to believe how grown up he is. We had some fun shopping a Barnes and Nobel on Saturday night.

Troy is improving on his guitar and really enjoying it. It was fun to go swimming at the YMCA with Troy, Brooke and Morgan We also got to see a movie, and you all know how much Troy loves movies!

Brooke was fun, as always. She is quite the little lady and started kindergarten this year. She and Morgan had a wonderful dance they had made up to show me when I got there. They are quite a pair of amazing dancers, reminded me of Joy and Laura when they were young!

Tina is working at Scandia, like her Dad did when he was in high school. It was her first year as a YCL at girls camp and I have heard from several people what a great job she did. I made her some crazy camp pants, which I had all done when I got there but, they were not "in style". So I spent Sunday afternoon redoing her pants . . . at least she liked them then and I heard she did wear them once at camp.

On August 14 Andrew Jonathan Wilson was born! He is a cute blond Zobrist boy. The nurse in the hallway said to the other kids as we were going to see him for the first time, "I know who you kids are going to see, he looks just lie you". And that is a true statement! He does like to eat about every hour and a half now so Cari is not getting much rest.

Emily has been moved up in her swim team and last Saturday had her first competition swim meet with other teams. She is a good swimmer and enjoys it.

Adam, who was baptized in March, is doing cub scouts, tennis, and loves video games and the WII. Babysitting Adam is easy, if you let him play video games.

Josh is starting Tae Kwon Do up again. He is a good reader and likes 2nd grade. He also likes to talk and has lots to tell me.

Ben is such a fun kid. The other day he told me I was his best friend. Then about 20 minutes later he told me, he had lots of best friends. Kind of deflated my happiness balloon. But that Sunday when we stood in church to sing "Called to Serve", he came over and held my hand through the whole song. It was so sweet, made me think of his going off on a mission, in about 16 years!

Hope you enjoy the pictures and you find this blog a place you might like to visit. Please respond to the poll at the bottom of the page . . . You can vote more than once. Grand Kids don't forget to vote that you like it several times!!!!!!!!!