Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Suggestions for Trans Pacific Flights

Wow, am I having a hard time adjusting to Las Vegas time! The first two nights I was up all night and slept all day. That was crazy. Now I am falling asleep by about 3 am and getting up by 10:30 am or later sometimes. So my suggestion is allow at least one week to adjust to the time and if you are over 60 it might take two weeks!

My goal for today is to unpack my suitcases so I can repack them to go to California for Troy's birthday and receiving the priesthood on Sunday. It is hard to believe that he is turning 12 and will be a deacon. I remember the day he was born and how happy we all were! And how cute he was as a baby and still is, check out his smile on the Christmas picture they sent!

Next week when Joy sends me video I will let Calvin announce to all of you, his new name for me. I had to get it on video because Brian will NEVER believe me.

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