Sunday, October 27, 2013

Congratulations Victor and Kristina!!

What a happy day October 5th, 2013!  Kristina and Victor had a lovely wedding and despite a few stressful moments, it all came together as a day to celebrate the joining of Kristina and Victor into their own family unit.   Both our family and Victor's family all had smiles of and lots of happy moments that day!  Many hours of work went into making this day perfectly beautiful.

What would we have done without Kelly, Brian, Cody, Troy, Morgan, Brooke, Ty, Kristina, Victor, Victor's family, Aunt Laura, Aunt Cari and Emily?  Everyone wanted the perfect day for Kristina, even though we sometimes called her Bridezilla!  She even called herself that!  The clean up crew the next day worked extremely hard the next day.

But it was all worth it!

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Good things happening in California . . .

Well here I am back at home after spending a couple of weeks in California with the Addington Family.  We got to take Cody to the Temple on September 29th.  He was very sick when I arrived so we had to wait a few days until he was better.  My pictures of that day are on my camera still, so I will post them next week.

On October 5th we had a lovely wedding when Kristina and Victor were married.  No pictures to post here either as they are from the photographers website.  So I will try to add those next week.  But it was a beautiful wedding and a very happy day.