Sunday, September 22, 2013

Birthdays come so quickly

It is hard for me to believe, but this week was my 67th Birthday!  

I have so many blessings in my life, and am grateful for each member of my family.  Truly family brings such joys into our lives.  

Next Friday we take Cody to the Temple to take out his endowments and a week after that Kristina and Victor get married on October 5th!  Many changes are coming up in the next few months.  

So an exciting few months are in store for the Addington families as we grandchildren grow older and life just gets more busy.  

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Love this picture from Laura and Steve's wedding in May of 2005.  
We had so much fun that day!  It is a happy memory!  
All these grandkids are older now but it is fun to remember them when they were so little.  

I want to include this photo of my Mom and Dad on that day in 2005.  
They loved being with the grandkids and great-grandkids.
And of course we should have one of Laura and Steve on their wedding day . . . 
May 21, 2005

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Cody got his mission call . . . .

Cody received his mission call yesterday!  He will be serving in the Texas Fort Worth Mission, English Speaking and goes into the MTC on November 20, 2013.  Cody will be the first missionary, of my grandchildren to serve a mission.  There are lots of his siblings and cousins who will follow in his footsteps.  He has set a wonderful example for each of them.  Laura served 18 months in that mission a few years ago.  How interesting that they will both have served in the same mission.  What wonderful experiences Cody will have over the next two years!  I know I am his grandma, but I know he will be an awesome missionary!

Missionary Service blesses each missionary and their family.  I know that Cody will be teaching the word of the Lord to his people.  I know the Lord will be with him as he goes forward in his missionary service.  I am so grateful for the gospel and the love and joy it brings to those who seek it.

I loved my mission in the Nevada Las Vegas Mission where I served as secretary to President Christensen.  Missionary Service is the hardest, the most inspiring, and the most humbling work you will ever do.  So pleased with your choice Cody!